martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

Renewables in the North East

Hi, Everybody. Today's tasks are:

First, watch the videos on renewables from The Financial Times about the North East England Region and in Abu Dhabi.

Then, read relevant articles on the Wikipedia site or the Vanguardia report.

After that, record your own two minute impressions of these developments and their application to Spain and Extremadura on an mp3 file.

Then, we will link your voice files to your team's blog. For that, each student will need to open a new account with for free, upload the mp3 file to your storage space in that account and then include a gadget in your team box where you can create a link to your own personal file.

Finally, you will have to post your personal comments to this blog to assess today's class:

  1. Difficulties encountered,
  2. strengths,
  3. weaknesses,
  4. and suggestions for future lessons.

Please, remember that I will be in the classroom with you to help you with language or any technical problems the tasks may pose to you.

I hope you enjoy and learn a lot from the proposed activities.


2 comentarios:

  1. In my opinion:
    I am totally agree with the statment of improve our way of life using the renovable energies but I am afraid.
    I don not agree with the last article .
    It is widely belived that the Goberment has the solution for everything but I suppose that in this case ( the crisis)all of us have to work with it hand and hand.

    In these videos i have found the following difficulties:
    -some difficul expression

    I suggestion for future lessons : see most videos to learn the best possible the lisening

  2. I am sorry,I forget write my name.
    My name is Natalia Villa Martín
