martes, 14 de abril de 2009

Welcome back!

I hope you have enjoyed your holidays.

Now, it's back-to-business time, isn't it?.

Please, read the articles on the module on the left and make personal comments on what you think of the situation posed by the Economist and the reaction of El País.

Alternatively, click on this link.

See you.

16 comentarios:

  1. In my opinion, the Spanish image in the world is the same that the article said. The "Plan Obama" is a solution for the americans, don't are a solution for the world!


  2. I think that the stereotypes of bullfighting and flamenco are very strongs in abroad because in the last century, Spain sold a bad stereotype. For example, the slogan "Sol y Playa".

  3. carmen pizarro jimenez (de great bussines woman)
    i think that it´s difficult to change the idea they have got from us about toros, siesta...

  4. Hi!
    I think that the american´s newspaper is critical enough with our country. It says things that are not real and El País does a protection commentary.
    Ricardo Solís Rol.

    In my opinion Americans think that we are a country centred in a bullfighting culture and they refuse to open theirs doors.
    Sara Muñoz Rubio.

  5. In my opinion, I think that the spanish imagen by other countries don´t afect us.


  6. - Spain is not flamenco and toros, our culture is richer. We need open our frontier all around the world.

    - In my opinion, the other countries shouldn't criticize Spain, because we are an important country in the world, due to our culture, sport, economy and foods.

    - I think that Spain always are flamenco and toros country, although it doesn't like us.

    - I agree that the people know our culture, but we have more things to show, more important that toros and flamenco.

  7. i think that Spain is more than toros , flamenco ,siesta... and i agree that spanish important people (such our president) try to change the idea of foeign countries

  8. I think that the other countries give their opinions about Spain is interesting but I don't like the idea that they have about ours because Spain is more than bullfighting and flamenco.

  9. I think it´s true that a lot of people around the world believe that Spain is only bullfighting, "flamenco" and beach but the fault is ours because we´ve promoted this idea for a lot of years, for example, the classical bulls in the roads.
    However, American administration is composed by cultured people and they should know than Spain is more than it.

  10. Inma Rama díaz
    I think that it´s interesting to know the opinion of our country but it´s not fair that we are known for the bullfighters and the flamenco because personally, I don´t like it.

  11. I think it´s important to know some different opinions about our country. However, I don´t agree with their ideas because Spain isn´t only bull and flamenco. These are stereotypes. There are other very important aspects in our culture too.

  12. Hi Jesús!!I don´t know where put the difference between data-information,but I put it here.

    I think that the difference between data and information is that the data is more specific and the information is a extensive text that speak about something,i.e,is more general.

  13. Hi Jesús! I'm not sure about the difference between data and information but I think that data are unprocessed instructions and when they be processed they become information.

  14. Data refers to information or facts usually collected as the result of experience, observation or experiment. Data may consist of numbers, words, or images, particularly as measurements or observations of a set of variables.
    In the other hand, Information as a concept has a diversity of meanings, from everyday usage to technical settings. Generally speaking, the concept of information is closely related to notions of constraint, communication, control, etc.
    As summarize, could say that information is a more general concept, and data is more specify.

  15. Hi Jesús!
    As I don´t know where we have to put the differences between data and information, I put here.
    I think that data are numbers, images, facts...and if you process them you get the information
    In other words, information is the meaningful of data

  16. Hi Jesús!
    I don´t find a very clear difference between data and information but I think information refers to a collection of facts that are processed, organized, structured or presented in a given context so as to make them useful. However, data are plain facts usually collected as the result of experience, observation or experiment.
